
Monthly Archives: October 2012

#housedivided #whompdown #RTR

This past weekend, William and I flew to Austin for the wedding of two very special people.  How special you might ask?  Well we missed the Alabama/Mississippi State game for the first time in YEARS!  So, very special.  🙂

We were all dressed up in our wedding attire so no jerseys, face tats, shakers or cowbells to be seen between the two of us.  However, I did find a way to let us have a little school spirit during the reception.  #housedivided  Momentary pause to say that these koozies were replaced right after the game by the AMAZING koozies the bride and groom had as favors at the reception.  Seriously, I’ve never seen a more awesome wedding favor in my life.

Jay B & Priscilla’s wedding koozies!

I will say, while I’m thrilled my team won (Roll Tide), I am also sad that this year William’s team lost. MSU is doing AWESOME this year and I hope they are able to finish out the season strong.  For William’s sake, it was probably best we could only check the updates on the game from our phones as he would not have been too happy in front of a TV.

This weekend, we both have big games ahead of us.  MSU takes on A&M and we take on LSU.  Glad we’re past our one day a year when we’re enemies because both our teams need the Bryant’s support this weekend to pull out W’s!!

Roll Tide Roll!  Go Dawgs!